Vita Coco:  ATL campaign

HomeCase StudiesVita Coco:  ATL campaign


Having effectively invented the coconut water sector in the UK, Vita Coco faced a dual challenge – introducing new consumers to the category in order to generate growth, whilst at the same time defending its market leadership against a growing number of well-resourced competitors

The Role of Media

Analysing Vita Coco’s own research data, our Insight team identified two audience groups from where category growth could best be driven.

  • Analysis of industry data sources revealed that these groups had a strong propensity to watch TV dramas – and so we used our relationships in the industry to secure a four-month sponsorship of the UK Living channel across the key summer months
  • Over this platform we layered a campaign involving both traditional media (terrestrial and digital TV spot advertising, out of home spectaculars, proximity-to-store posters and London taxi wraps) and paid social and video (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter…)
  • Within this, we adapted the activity and the message depending on that day’s temperature, turning on or up key media to take advantage of hotter days
  • This combination enabled us to deliver a continuous presence throughout the key summer months, with targeted boosts to drive awareness uplift, point of sale and impulse purchase, and also messages of the health and wellbeing benefits of coconut water.

Campaign Highlights

  • Over 1 billion impressions to the campaign.
  • Reach 75% of UK population.
  • Average frequency of c.30 exposures.
  • 30% increase in Brand Awareness and Value Sales .
  • 400% increase in view rate on YouTube channel.
  • 70% reduction in digital Cost Per View vs. previous agency.